Spring Grove, PA Facility

Located in South Central Pennsylvania, the Spring Grove facility is a self-sufficient, fully integrated facility with hardwood and softwood kraft pulping operations, six paper machines and two off-machine coaters. Its 1,000 employees produce approximately 850 net tons of paper daily.

All papers made in Spring Grove are fully bleached, alkaline (acid-free) and groundwood free.

The facility is energy self-sufficient, producing steam and power on-site. Excess electricity produced with the co-generation boiler is sold to the electric grid for use by homes and other businesses.

Environmentally, the facility is state of the art, featuring a newly modernized pulpmill, which incorporates oxygen delignification and chlorine dioxide substitution in the bleaching process, and is designed to meet or exceed federal, state and local air and water standards.


2001 The P.H. Glatfelter Company